Sunday, February 22, 2009


I haven't updated in a long long time. But things have been very busy. I briefly moved back to California for 6 months only to move back to Maine in the middle of December. In January I had a fashion show at the Bangor Meltdown, and I thought it was a success. It sure did get my name out there! I was mentioned in several newspaper articles, and now a featured artist on I had another fashion show on Valentine's Day at the Bangor Opera House. It featured lingerie made out of clothing that I had gotten from friends. Everything came out amazingly and I got great photos to show for it from Michael Weston. I'll be having another show at the Bangor Meltdown in May and at the West Market Festival in June. I have big big plans for both! Hybrid Couture will be the feature at the West Market Festival, featuring sustainable clothing in the fashion of rockabilly/50's style pinup. It's going to be fabulous. I'll have more updates on the shows as I get them, but I just thought I'd do a little update and tell you what's going on in my fashion world!

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